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Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils


Each dance is a victory! Dancing is freedom!
Two types of activities will be presented in Hungary: intellectual and danced activities.
Orally, each team from each country will present the story and history of the dance they will have performed the months before, along with a short biography of a famous dancer or choreographer performing this dance. We will make sure that the 6 countries present 6 different dances. At the end of the project, we will be able to publish a real book or a digital one about all these dances. 

In international teams (one pupil from each country), the pupils will write a common bucket list entitled "Before I am an adult" and a letter to my future ME! This letter will be posted on the website They will all receive their own mail back at the age of 18, when they are adults. 

As far as dance is concerned, after each team will have presented the activities they will have done in each country, Hugary, the hosting country, will choose the most appropriate dance that will bring to light freedom.The Hungarian partner school possesses the official title of “Mentoring Institute”, since they have more than a dozen “good exercises”, that shows theire best teaching innovations.  These exercises are useful not only for any art schools, but for all level of education from kindergarten to secondary school, and they continuously help other schools to integrate these special exercises.

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