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Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils


Two types of activities will be presented in Romania: intellectual and dancing activities.

Orally, each team from each country will present the story and history of the dance they will have performed the months before, along with a short biography of a famous dancer or choreographer performing this dance. We will make sure that the 6 countries present 6 different dances. At the end of the project, we will be able to publish a real book or a digital one about all these dances. 

In international teams (one pupil from each country), the pupils will write a common European portrait (« If I were a European value, I would be..., If I were a color I would be... etc) focusing on their identity, that is who they are, what they like. They will be able to express themselves in English or in their own language since it is part of their identity. They will present these poems / stories in public.

As far as dance is concerned, they will « DANCE WHO I AM » and « DANCE ON MY FAVORITE SONG ». The pupils will present the productions they will have created the months before. The audience will try to guess and understand who the pupil is thanks to the dance and gestures performed. The choreographers and teachers from Romania and the teachers from the other countries will coordinate the pupils’ s work which will result in a performance on stage. 
Dancing is another way of talking about oneself. Identity measures itself thanks to otherness. Dances allows to express my emotions, my feelings, my likes, my dislikes etc. Through the different gestural codes, we identify ourselves, we imitate, we synchronize.

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