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Short-term joint staff training events

Good practise exchange


At the very beginning of the project, the coordinators from each country will meet in France, the head coordinator country. It sounds very important that all the partners exchange around their practise. 
Since the main topics of the project are the teenagers’ issues, the European values and dance, the partners will present their way of dealing with them. This mobility will last for 3 days.
DAY 1: As for the teenagers’ issues, the teachers will give a picture of the rules, duties and rights established in their schools. They will tell how they cope with any problems linked to the teenagers, such as bullying, a lack of self esteem, school dropout or failure etc. They will share their experience and strategies used to have the teenagers live the best harmonious lives as possible as children and pupils. 
DAY 2: We will focus on the European values and how they are taught and conveyed in each country. Are they part of the curriculum or they transmitted through extra activities?
DAY 3: Since dance is at the core of the project, we will exchange ideas about relevant ways to have the pupils express themselves in dancing. Do they teach Dance themselves or do they refer to professional dancers or choreographers? How do they manage to make the teenagers move their bodies, how do they deal with a form of inhibition, with their sometimes difficult relationship to their own bodies and to the others’ bodies? 
During these 3 days, we will point out the similarities and differences  and we will gain from each other’s successful experience and practise.

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